Ladli Laxmi Yojana Madhya Pradesh, Ladli Laxmi Yojana Customer Care No. Madhya Pradesh 07879804079
Ladli Laxmi Yojana Madhya Pradesh
Ladli Laxmi Yojana is a scheme launched by the state government of Madhya Pradesh. The scheme has officially been introduced by the chief minister of the state, Mr. Shivraj Singh Chauhan. The main purpose of introducing this scheme is to give a firm foundation to the future of the girls livings in the state of Madhya Pradesh, as under this scheme the future of the girl child will be improved by improving their educational and economical standards. This will lead to a positive change in the life of every girl of the state and towards the society on birth of a girl child.
Ladli Laxmi Yojana Apply Online
The scheme will give financial help to the girls of the state for their education so that the gender equality prevailing in the state can be reduced. In today’s world also there are many people who do gender inequality and believes that there is no need to educate a girl child. Some of them also conduct marriages of their daughters before the exact age i.e. Child marriage. So to aware such people with the side effects of such things this scheme has been launched in the state. With the help of this scheme the girls will get a social empowerment in the society. Moreover on the basis of this scheme a help of Rs. 15000 will be given for the education in various sectors and some financial help will be given to the girls belonging to the poor families for their marriage purpose. And will aware the society and will put on a condition that a girl must attain an age of 18 years to get married.
Ladli Laxmi Yojana Registration
In this Way you can Check Status of Ladli Laxmi Yojana Online Process and Steps
- You have to visit website name
- Then you can see options like Apply by Lokseva, Apply by Normal Mode and Apply by Help Anganwadi worker.
- Then select you option and Go to the Next Page. For Eg you select (General Apply)
- Then you have to fill Residence of MP or Not, Tax Payer or Not, Girl registration through Anganwadi or Not. Tick Declaration and Go to Next option.
- Then Fill the forms and Press Submitted
Under this scheme, if a family is having 2 girl child than both the girls will be the beneficiaries of this scheme. The education help for the girl studying in 6th standard will be given Rs. 2000, a girl studying in 9th standard will be offered Rs. 4000, girl studying in 11th standard will be offered Rs. 7500 and not but the least for the girl studying in 12th standard Rs. 200 will be offered every month. These benefits will be given only to those girls who will continue their studies and if they left their education in between then they will not be able to get these benefits. Further if the parents who get their girl married before the age of 18 years will also forbidden from the benefits of this scheme.

Rest the benefits will be given to every girl child of the state no matter a family is having two girl child or 3 girl child, all of them will be the beneficiaries of this scheme. The family just have to give their residence proof so as to prove that they are a domicile of the state. Along with it they have to submit the birth certificate of the girl child. This is a great scheme introduced by the state government for improving the standards of girl child in the society. So all the families having a girl child must register themselves for this scheme and can take the benefits of the scheme.
Contact For Any Question Ladli Laxmi Yojana Madhya Pradesh
Mahila Sakshtikaran
Block No 2 4 Phase Opposite Bhopal Bhavan
Phone Number First – 0755 – 2550917
Fax Number – 0755 – 2550917
Helpline Number for Ladli Laxmi Yojana Madhya Pradesh
Number – 07879804079
Helpline Email Address –
Title: Ladli Laxmi Yojana Customer Care Number Madhya Pradesh 07879804079
Description: Resolve your Issue or track your Ladli Laxmi Yojana Status Online Find Ladli Laxmi Yojana Helpline Number M.P. (Madhya Pradesh) at 07879804079
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