About Barnes & Noble Inc.
Bookselling Company
Barnes & Noble, Inc., a Fortune 500 company, is the bookseller with the largest number of retail outlets in the United States, and a retailer of content, digital media, and educational products. Wikipedia
Headquarters: New York City, New York, United States
Stock price: BKS (NYSE) US$ 4.85 0.00 (0.00%)
9 Feb, 4:02 PM GMT-5 - Disclaimer
Barnes and Noble Customer Service: 00 1 201-559-3882
CEO: Demos Parneros (27 Apr 2017–)
Revenue: 4.164 billion USD (2016)
Barnes and Noble were established by Charles Barnes in the year 1873. It was later gained by Leonard Riggio in 1960. Today, it is the biggest book retailer in the United States with more than 700 retail book shops and 636 school book shops serving more than 4.6 million understudies (starting at 2011). Barnes and Noble is additionally the second-biggest retailer of magazines in America, conveying around 5,500 magazine titles and almost 1,000 daily paper titles. The organization's web based business website includes more than 2 million titles. Barnes and Noble as of now have approximately 40 million clients and offers 1 million book titles each year. Headquartered in New York, US, the organization as of April, 2011 utilizes 35,000 individuals.
Products Offers by Barnes & Noble Inc.
Some of the products that can be purchased on the Barnes & Noble website include books, textbooks, magazines, toys & games, DVDs, gifts, electronics (cameras, camcorders, headphones, media players, gadgets, digital picture frames..), and NOOK products such as NOOK Tablet, NOOK Simple Touch and Nook Color. Purchases can be made online through MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Visa, Diners Club, JCB, PayPal and Barnes & Noble gift cards. Payment can also be made by phone. Simple select the “Pay by Phone” button during checkout. Barnes & Noble issues a refund of original form of payment for items returned within 14 days (terms apply).
Barnes and Noble Customer Service Number
Phone: 1-800-THE-BOOK
Phone: 1-800-843-2665
Phone: 201-559-3882
Barnes and Noble Corporate Office Address
PO Box 111, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071
Barnes and Noble Head Office Address
Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Inc.
122 Fifth Avenue,
New York, NY 10011
Barnes and Noble Official Website
Barnes and Noble Online Store
Barnes and Noble Email Support
General: customerservice@bn.com
Online Orders: service@bn.com
Membership: membership@bn.com
Barnes and Noble Social Media Profiles
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/barnes-&-noble
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu1GZXTV6izr6UPuHPrM41w
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bnbuzz
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+barnesandnoble
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/barnesandnoble/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/barnesandnoble/
Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/barnesandnoble
Contact Barnes and Noble: So friends we have provided customer service details of Barnes & Noble, including phone Numbers and Head office address. You can reach the above mentioned contact for complaints or queries on Barnes & Noble stores, products, store locations, cancellation / refund, online shopping, NOOK products and all other queries.
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